
BUF 0.12 - cryogenic CMOS buffer amplifier

The BUF 0.12 is a CMOS-based precision buffer amplifier, operating in room temperature down to deep cryogenic environments (T = 4.2 K, liquid helium).

BUF 0.12 covers a frequency range from 0 Hz to 10 MHz in terms of max. 1% voltage deviation.

It features a very high input impedance and has an input voltage noise in the order of 5 nV/√Hz.

The device is based on highly-doped silicon CMOS technology which allows for operation over a very wide temperature range from room temperature to liquid helium temperature, provided the device is located in a vacuum cryostat.

Key Features
  • precision voltage buffer DC 0 Hz to 10 MHz
  • wide temperature range T = 300 K down to T = 4.2 K
  • selectable input impedance
  • fully-automated plug’n’play room temperature controller included!
Side and top view
Internal structure
Typical input voltage noise density (V/√Hz) at temperatures T = 5 K (lower trace) and 300 K (upper trace); Operating supply voltage: Vdd/ss = ±3.6 V
Typical input offset fluctuations at T = 5K. Four measurement points were taken each second. RMS value is only around 550 nVrms.
Operating parameters: Vdd/ss = ±3.6 V
The room temperature controller indicates the status of the cryo amplifier and allows for setting the overall amplification factor. (current model subject to changes)
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